bringing out the best in people
The expression and development of talent is the foundation of happiness.
You can only reach your full potential in an environment of trust, loyalty and inspiration.

That's what we believe.


Since 2002 we represent talent, teams & institutions with a unique blend of management, personal coaching and training, to help them navigate through the ever changing landscape of sport, fashion & entertainment.
In our Academies expert sports coaches, performance specialists and dedicated music teachers give customised education and support to meet every one of our clients individual goals.
consultancy & coaching
Based on more than 20 years of experience in sports management en coaching, our consultants and coaches service local governments, sports organisations and individuals in order to enhance successful sports policies, strategy and personal development.

cic | sportberaad

Sports strategy and policy experts for local governments,  academies, federations and clubs.

the studio
If it is our goal to bring out the best in people, we also need to contribute to the environment and circumstances people live in. That’s why we’ve created the Studio.  Multi-media & design services to stimulate your senses. Because bringing out the best in people doesn’t stop with the obvious and although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is always a true happiness provider.